Setting up mbsync

Introduction to mbsync

mbsync is an alternative to offlineimap. I decided to recently switch to mbsync because offlineimap’s development stopped and I started having problems with SSL/TLS that I wasn’t about to fix.
Setting up mbsync is easy and tedious, but I’ll show you how my setup looks like so you have a simpler time than me.

Setting up mbsync

Configuration file

mbsync’s configuration file is located at ~/.mbsyncrc, but you can specify a different location via the -c flag when calling mbsync.
The configuration file contains every account to be synced. As far as I know there is no built-in way to have different files for different accounts.

I will share my configuration file here:

IMAPAccount {account_name}
Host {servers_hostname}
User {username}
PassCmd "gpg --no-tty --for-your-eyes-only -dq {location_of_encrypted_password}"
SSLVersion TLSv1.2

IMAPStore {account_name}-remote
Account {account_name}

MaildirStore {account_name}-local
Path ~/mail/{account_name}/
Inbox ~/mail/{account_name}/INBOX
SubFolders Verbatim

Channel {account_name}
Far :{account_name}-remote:
Near :{account_name}-local:
Patterns *
Create Both
Expunge Both
SyncState *

Replace {account_name} with an identifier of your choice. You should be able to figure out what hostname and username your E-Mail provider requires yourself.
The PassCmd option in this file makes it possible to not provide your password in clear text in the configuration file but get the password via a command; I get it via gpg. For more information how to set this up have a look at my wiki entry for offlineimap I wrote a while ago, specifically under the section gpg encrypted password file.

In the MaildirStore section you configure mbsync where to put the E-Mails it downloads locally. I decided to put it under ~/mail/{account_name}, but feel free to put it somewhere else.
Specifying SubFolders Verbatim tells mbsync about how the paths to your mail should look, but you shouldn’t need to change this as this works, at least with neomutt.

The Channel section binds the remote and local stores together. mbsync used to use Master and Slave instead of Far and Near, but this is deprecated and it will notify you of this, should you use the old naming.

For more information on the configuration file make sure to read up about it on the man page. Providing a structure of the config file should help with confusion.

Systemd timer

I decided to set up automatic fetching of mails via a systemd timer that calls a unit. This is the part that gave me a bit of problems since the timer just wouldn’t run, but I got it figured out now.

I’ll share my unit and timer file here.
It’s probably best to use user unit and timer files, so this is what I did. These can be found in ~/.config/systemd/user/.


Description=Refresh emails via mbsync

ExecStart=/usr/bin/mbsync -a


This unit file sets a description and sees that the required files/folders exist, namely neomutt’s config folder, the folder that stores mail and the mbsync configuration file.
In the Service section I define environment variables needed for gpg to be able to display the pinentry dialogue to decrypt the passwords for the IMAP accounts. Without these variables gpg is not possible to show the pinentry dialogues and will silently fail. Pay attention that you use a GUI pinentry, as the ones being displayed on the terminal obviously won’t show up.
Setting the unit’s type as oneshot means the unit will be blocked until the command finished executing. It also means systemd will report the unit as “activating” when it is running.
The unit starts mbsync with the -a flag, meaning it should sync all accounts listed in the config file. If you want a different behaviour list the accounts you want to sync individually using the same name you used in the configuration file, {account_name}.

Now, the timeout is important. For some reason I don’t understand even now mbsync would freeze and never finish, which is the reason the timer failed to activate it again. I set the timeout to 120 seconds, or 2 minutes, because, to me and for my accounts, this seems like a reasonable time to fetch mail in. You might need to change this, also depending on how often the timer will call the unit.


Description=Run mbsync to refresh mails every 5 minutes



The timer file is similar to the unit file but has a Timer instead of a Service section.
In the Timer section I specified that the timer should call the unit file a minute after the user logged on, and then every 5 minutes. I give myself the minute to let the computer boot, get a proper network connection etc.
The Unit variable tells the systemd it wants to call the specified unit, which should be the name of the unit you saved.
The Install section defines only the WantedBy variable with a value of, specifying, again, that this is a timer.

After setting up the unit and timer you should be able to start and enable the timer via systemctl --user daemon-reload, to reload the changes on disk (you will need to call this every time you change your unit and timer), and systemctl --user enable --now mbsync.timer.
You can verify the timer is running by calling systemctl --user list-timers where your timer should be listed, along with information on when it will next file, when it last fired, etc.

Do you have a comment on one of my posts? Feel free to send me an E-Mail:
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Posted on: December 22, 2020

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